Gold API
Unlock Real-Time Financial Market Data for Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium in over 160 currencies
Need something else? -
2 "status": "success",
3 "data": {
4 "base_currency": "USD",
5 "metals": "XAU,XAG,XPT,XPD",
6 "weight_unit": "toz",
7 "weight_name": "Troy Ounce (toz)",
8 "metal_prices": {
9 "XAU": {
10 "open": 2742.32,
11 "high": 2749.65,
12 "low": 2701.26,
13 "prev": 2743.73,
14 "change": -12.98,
15 "change_percentage": -0.47332,
16 "price": 2729.34,
17 "price_24k": 2729.34,
18 "price_22k": 2501.98598,
19 "price_21k": 2388.1725,
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Our API is designed for easy integration, offering a consistent and predictable experience for developers.
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160+ Currencies
Get results in over 160 currencies in a single call. (Multiple the base value with the currency_rate)
Flexible inputs
get as much or as little data as you need in a single call, and decide the weight unit, base currency and additional currencies with simple inputs.
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This API endpoint allows you to retrieve the latest rates for various metals based on a specified base currency.
x-api-key required
Value should be your API Key- get one here
Query Parameter(s)
Comma seperated list of XAU,XAG,XPT,XPD
Single currency code (e.g USD, EUR, GBP, KWD, ...)
Comma seperated list currency code (e.g USD, EUR, GBP, KWD, ...)
Single weight unit (e.g toz, gram, kg, mt)
Example Request
- C#
- Java
- JavaScript
- NodeJs
- Python
- Axios
- Native
- Request
- Unirest
This endpoint makes an HTTP GET request to retrieve a list of supported currency symbols
x-api-key required
Value should be your API Key- get one here
Query Parameter(s)
Search avaliable currencies that are supported using codes or names
Example Request
- C#
- Java
- JavaScript
- NodeJs
- Python
- Axios
- Native
- Request
- Unirest
This endpoint makes an HTTP GET request to retrieve a list of supported metal symbols
x-api-key required
Value should be your API Key- get one here
Query Parameter(s)
Search avaliable metals that are supported using codes or names
Example Request
- C#
- Java
- JavaScript
- NodeJs
- Python
- Axios
- Native
- Request
- Unirest
Get Your FREE 1000 Monthly Credits
To access any of our API's. No credit cards. No catches.
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