Metals API

Unlock Real-Time Financial Market Data for Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium, Copper, Nickle, Zinc, Aluminium and Lead in over 160 currencies

Need something else? -
3    "status": "success",
4    "data": {
5        "base_currency": "USD",
6        "symbols": "XAU,XAG,XPD,XPT,XCU,NI,ZNC,ALU,LEAD",
7        "rates": {
8            "XAU": {
9                "open": 2655.49,
10                "high": 2670.14,
11                "low": 2632.04,
12                "prev": 2655.87,
13                "current": 2653.27
14            },
15            "XAG": {
16                "open": 32.0445,
17                "high": 32.9625,
18                "low": 31.5025,
19                "pre

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